Blogger Vladislav Soloviev

Blogger Vladislav Soloviev: Biography, Career, and Public Opinion

Articles by a blogger and economic reviewer, Vladislav Soloviev, are beginning to appear in online media outlets more often.

His material is being actively discussed, republished by other mass media outlets, and evokes a full spectrum of readers’ reactions, from strong disapproval to complete acceptance. Soloviev was known in journalistic circles before, but in 2022 he reached a whole new level of public presence. And even though this political scientist does not get into open arguments with readers, does not make videos on YouTube, and does not appear in media space at all, his character arouses a reasonable interest among the population.

This article contains all the significant facts about Vladislav Soloviev.

Vladislav Soloviev, Biography

Vladislav Soloviev was born in 1973 in Moscow. At first, he studied at an ordinary school, then at MSUTM (the Moscow Institute of Technology and Management at the time). His student years fell on a “dark time” – the mid-90s. Economics education was taught while the entire system was breaking down. Old economic structures were replaced by new ones in conditions of total chaos. Nonetheless, it was at that time that Soloviev’s first articles under the alias “Honest Political Scientist” were published in student publications and a number of Moscow newspapers. His material was of a strictly academic nature, which is why it wasn’t really popular. In those years, texts of a different nature were in demand – the country’s population was simply not interested in academic politics.

An economics degree turned out to be a high-demand asset in the late 90s. Vladislav Soloviev held positions as a full-time economist, head of a department, and senior consultant in a number of major capital companies. From 2004 to 2010, he worked for the “Premier Consulting” agency.

In 2010, Vladislav Soloviev made a decision to leave his promising position and retrain as a political scientist. At the same time, he enrolled in a correspondence course at the State University of Management. Attempts to engage in politics were not successful. For some time Soloviev worked as a trustee of one of the well-known representatives of the CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation).

Articles by the author were published in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Political Science”, “Free Thought”, and “Arguments and Facts”. For a few years, the author ran a blog in LiveJournal where he published material that did not fit the format of printed publication. A series of posts on religion and philosophical topics stirred a mixed reaction from conservative readers, after which his journal was deleted.

In 2014-2015, Soloviev promoted the concept of the global reformation of economy, politics, and society in his material. In his words, as far back as the late 80s, the world elites changed the course of humanity’s development to an opposite one. The “Thinker” stopped existing and became the “Consumer”. You can see the result of such activity throughout the world right now: the education level in so-called developed countries has substantially declined, and people are no longer interested in global goals. History is being rewritten, and inconvenient concepts are getting erased right before our eyes.

The theme of intellectual nullification runs as a leitmotif in many of Soloviev’s articles. However, at the same time, the author writes material on other topics. In particular, a series of articles on leading domestic corporations and businessmen received a wide response. Having work experience as an economist and the relationships that Vladislav Soloviev acquired throughout the years of his professional activity, allow him to judge the research subject with sufficient competency.

In 2018, the author dedicates more time to the topic of external politics and writes about the role and place of Russia in global history. Even the author’s most ambiguous and controversial conclusions are based on and supported by facts. Another characteristic of Soloviev’s technique is the debunking of conventional myths. Views that radically differ from mainstream ones attract the audience, although they also partially anger it.

His current activity

In the spring of 2022, Vladislav Soloviev became even more active. He regularly publishes new material and covers relevant events that happen in Russia and the world from his point of view. In an effort to explain the true meaning of what’s happening and not just settle for the interpretations of others, the author often crosses the line, for which he faces lots of criticism. But the Honest Political Scientist doesn’t intend to change or hide his opinion, and even his enemies do not doubt his patriotic stance.

“The decisions that we make right now are our future. It is always close, at arm’s length. It depends on us what our descendants will say about our time”.

In recent years, the object of Vladislav Solovies’ research has been China as a subject of geopolitics and the global economy. The political scientist published a plethora of analytical material on the topic of rapprochement with eastern neighbors, which you can read in such issues as “Commersant”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, and others.

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